Fun Facts About Renewable Energy

fun facts about renewable energy

When thinking about energy use, you might wonder what the most common sources of renewable energy are. Here are a few fun facts about renewable energy. Windmills were used as early as 200 B.C. by people living in China and the Middle East to grind grain and pump water. Wind turbines now produce enough electricity to power about 300 homes. Alliant Energy Kids has a fun fact page dedicated to renewable energy. One wind turbine can generate enough energy to power three hundred homes.

Wind power

One of the fun facts about renewable energy is that China is the world's leading manufacturer and deployer of renewable energy. Within just two years, the country installed more wind turbines than all other nations combined. As a result, China is now the largest producer and exporter of wind power, solar panels, and batteries. In 2018, China increased its total sustainable energy generation capacity by about 7%. That is a remarkable increase, especially when compared to 2007.

Wind energy is one of the most interesting renewable energy sources, primarily because of its endless potential. Wind turbines harness wind energy and are capable of generating enough electricity to power 1400 homes or run a household computer for two thousand years. The wind turbines are also fascinating, as they capture the wind's kinetic energy. And unlike solar panels, wind energy does not pollute the atmosphere or produce toxic byproducts. In fact, wind energy produces no pollution or toxic byproducts, making it an ideal renewable energy source.

The United States has ambitious goals for renewable energy. The EU has set a renewable energy target of 20% by 2020, which goes hand in hand with the European Green Deal initiative, which aims to turn the EU into a carbon-neutral economy by 2050. Every country in the EU has its own renewable energy goals, and many have already exceeded them. Nordic countries are leading the way in renewable energy, with Sweden, Denmark, and Finland generating 54% of their electricity from wind power and over 37% of their total energy consumption from other sources.

Geothermal energy

While the initial cost of installing a geothermal power plant is high, the payback time is short. It costs anywhere from $15,000 to $40,000 to install a geothermal heat pump, and the cost of electricity produced is much lower over time. Geothermal power plants require no fuel imports and no transportation costs. In addition, they can be built on top of a source of fuel, making them excellent baseload sources of power. This means they can sell electricity all day long.

Geothermal heat can be used to heat buildings, bathe people, and even produce electricity. It can be used on large or small scales, with utilities using hot water or steam from underground reservoirs to power electricity generators. The energy can also be applied to various uses, such as heating and cooling, using the temperature difference between the surface and the ground. Moreover, geothermal energy is clean, consistent, and environmentally friendly.

While geothermal resources are widespread, most active geothermal sites are located near major plate boundaries, such as the Pacific Ocean. Among these regions, Japan, the Philippines, and the Aleutian Islands form the Ring of Fire, which surrounds the Pacific Ocean. This area is dotted with volcanic sites and geysers, and most geothermal power plants are located in the western United States, including California.


There are several benefits of hydropower. It has been a traditional source of clean energy that deserves a second chance. It can be used for a variety of purposes, such as draining marshy land or irrigating fields. It can also be generated from large stations or small-scale plants. Its potential for domestic use is vast. In fact, hydropower has been the leading renewable energy source for decades.

However, there are drawbacks of hydropower. While hydroelectricity is a renewable energy source, it does produce greenhouse gases (GHGs) from the decomposing organic matter in its reservoir. These gases include carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Some early studies have claimed that hydro plants in Brazil emit up to three times the amount of GHG as coal-fired plants. However, extrapolation of this data has led to the conclusion that hydro alone is responsible for about 4% of global GHG emissions.

Hydropower plants collect energy from renewable sources and store it for later use. Pumping water uphill creates a head of water. Flowing water in a hydroelectric plant can then turn turbine blades to create electricity. Afterward, the electricity produced by the hydroelectric plant is distributed to the power plant's customers. Hydropower has a wide variety of benefits and is becoming an increasingly popular renewable energy source.

Solar power

You probably know that solar energy is becoming increasingly popular in our society, and you've probably been curious about its origins. After all, people have been using the sun for centuries as a heat source. With the advancement of technology, people are now able to harness this natural resource for power. Ancient Greek families used to build their homes to receive the most sunlight during the winter months. The Greeks also believed that the sun was the god Helios, who drove a chariot around the earth. It wasn't until 1839 that the French physicist Alexander-Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect.

The sun has a mass of nearly seventy percent hydrogen, twenty-four percent helium, and one percent carbon, making it one of the world's most abundant sources of energy. Although solar power still does not make up a great deal of the world's energy use, it is still one of the best options for homeowners who care about the environment. It's a growing industry, with the solar industry growing at an incredible pace. Despite its relatively low use, solar power is a fantastic option that can cut your water bill in half and lower your water bills by up to 50 percent.

Solar power is the future of energy. You can get a solar panel for your home for less than $500 and save money on your electricity bills while contributing to a cleaner environment. Solar panels are extremely durable, and their prices have decreased by 99% since 1977. In addition to being cheaper than fossil fuels, solar panels are also silent. A solar power plant can last up to 40 years without requiring any additional fuel, which is another huge benefit.


If you're looking for fun facts about biomass renewable energy, you've come to the right place! Biomass is an abundant renewable resource that is created from organic material. The term biomass covers all forms of vegetation and animals, including humans. This renewable resource can be burned to create electricity or converted into liquid to produce heat. This type of energy source is extremely beneficial and will eventually stop the use of landfills. Regardless of its use, there are benefits and disadvantages. Let's learn a little about biomass and how it can save the planet.

One of the fastest growing uses of biomass is biogas. Biogas is a by-product of cow manure. Biogas is a fuel that can be burned to produce electricity. In this process, methane, which is a gas, is released from storage. When it burns, the methane heats water and turns a turbine to create electricity. Biomass is also highly versatile and plentiful.

Biomass has been used as a source of heat since man discovered fire. Even today, many people burn wood for heat. Ethanol, an alternative fuel, was used as light fuel in the 1800s. In fact, ethanol was used as fuel in Model-T Fords until 1908. In the United States, biomass is a growing source of alternative fuel for automobiles. However, this source is not carbon neutral. It can have negative consequences if the process is not done responsibly.

Nuclear energy

Nuclear energy and renewable energy go hand in hand. They both produce a highly powerful form of energy. Nuclear reactors provide electricity and move ships. These reactors also produce a vast amount of carbon-free energy. While nuclear power is highly effective, it does come with its share of dangers. In addition to the health hazards, radiation from nuclear reactors can also release harmful elements into the air. In addition to these issues, there are other fun facts about nuclear energy and renewable energy that you might be interested in.

One interesting fact about nuclear energy is that they both produce a large amount of steam. These hot gases are then recycled by cooling in cooling towers. This water can be used to produce more electricity. However, the excess steam is released into the air, where it does little damage as water vapor. The downside to nuclear energy is that it produces radioactive material, a collection of unstable atomic nuclei that can affect organisms. Radioactive material can lead to increased risks of cancer and blood disease, and can cause bone decay.

Aside from creating carbon-free electricity, nuclear power plants also generate hydrogen for fuel cells. They can also be used to sterilize medical equipment, provide potable water through desalination, and even provide radioisotopes for cancer treatment. While nuclear power plants have some disadvantages, they are still a great option to energy independence. It is also becoming the energy source of choice for many cities and nations.

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